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Title I


What is Title I?

The Walton Academy Charter School is excited to announce our eligibility as a Title I school.  Title I is a federal program that aids schools with funding based on the percentage of students in need of free and reduced lunches.  The state passes the funding to the districts, which distributes it to qualifying schools.


The goal of Title I is to provide EVERY student with a high-quality education.  With this funding, Walton Academy is able to offer programs such as training for staff, parent and community involvement activities, teaching methods and materials, and intensive intervention tutoring.  All of these programs are designed to increase student achievement.


One of the most important programs provided through Title I funding is our Interventionist.  This is a team member who works with the students in small groups on improving their reading and writing skills.  Our goal is for these students to be able to use these skills to complete the ELA Assessment Requirement for Graduation, whether it is through the FSA, SAT, or ACT.


The Walton Academy also offers a Parent Resource Center in the front office.  Here, you will be able to gather more information regarding Title I and The Walton Academy Charter School. 

  • Click HERE for the 2020-2021 School Improvement Plan

  • Click HERE for the 2020-2021 Parent and Family Engagement Plan

Below is a list of links to help you, as a parent, learn more about Title I and help plan for your child’s future.

Just for Parents

FLDOE Just for Parents Community

US Department of Education

Prepare your child for school

Saving for college

What is a 529 Plan and how can one help your student?

FL School Accountability

FLDOE Florida School Accountability Reports

Walton county school district

More information about Walton Schools

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